Females who have at least once experienced a partner's sexual impotence, or males who notice a noticeable deterioration in sexual function, ask themselves the question - how to prepare a male pathogen at home. Impotence can occur rapidly, provoked by many external and internal factors.
Factors of disappearance of male power may be accompanied by insecure attitude towards oneself, fear of forming new relationships and systematic quarrels in the family.
To prevent such pathologies it is necessary to know the recipe for the preparation of pathogens at home.
The world knows many scents, products that excite the taste buds that can stimulate active sexual desire in men.
If you use recipes that have been proven for years, a woman can not only help her partner, but also improve your sex life, which in turn will lead to a quieter family life.
Benefits of aphrodisiacs to increase libido in men

Maintaining the health of the penis and the body as a whole is not difficult, only the desire to create a male pathogen is needed. In nature, there are many different products, certain substances and formulations that significantly affect sexual desire, improve male potency.
Such substances are called aphrodisiacs. They usually have an exciting effect on men, both on the genitals and on the central nervous system, so erectile function is enhanced and sexual desire reaches its peak due to the command of the brain center.
The amount of trace elements contained in aphrodisiacs contributes to the high-quality production of the hormone testosterone in male plasma. Vitamin complexes significantly improve stress resistance, promote relaxation and sexual intercourse for fun.
A rating of products that qualitatively affect a man's sexual desire
How to train a male power supply agent at home? The recipe of the dishes, the constituent components of which are aphrodisiacs, helps many men to renew their sexual qualities, leading to the ideal effectiveness of sexual erection function. There is a list of products that show the most interesting, long-term results. Most pathogens are made from them.

- Marine products. Helps to improve the quality of testosterone production, increases sexual desire. If you add lentils, squid, mussels to the dish, it will definitely become a perfect decoration for a festive family dinner, as well as quickly and efficiently prepare your sexual partner for the next sexual intercourse, which will help to arouse her earlier.
- Celery roots. It is considered to be one of the best herbal remedies that can increase the potency and attractiveness of men. There are numerous recipes for beverages as well as foods that ensure the component existence of this pathogen.
- Vegetables such as parsley leaves, dill, spinach - promote the rapid production of ejaculate, which stimulates the dignity of men.
- Bee products. Honey products give men not only a stimulating effect, they also strengthen male organs, develop and strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to the bacterial environment.
- Ginger root is a unique product by nature, used by oriental folk healers since ancient times. Ginger can stimulate blood flow everywhere, including the pelvis, and a quality, healthy plasma flow to the penis is guaranteed to improve erectile function, promote sperm production, and prolong sexual intercourse.
This rating is filled with the most effective, high-quality and, most importantly - affordable products for sexual arousal in men.
Recipes of folk origin to increase libido
Medicinal recipes left by the ancestors to raise the offspring are abundant in various tinctures, herbal decoctions, as well as in the quantity of dried fruits, which can act as an aphrodisiac. The male pathogen at home offers a recipe that will be simple but effective.
Thus, potential can be increased even by the simplest methods, such as:

- Ordinary garlic. This is one of the most powerful stimulants. A man can simply chew one or two teeth daily to have a quality and effective effect. But even garlic contains contraindications to its use, as it is contraindicated for men who have ulcers or gastritis. A significant disadvantage is also the unpleasant odor from the mouth.
- A gentler, easier way is to eat raw pumpkin seeds. Seeds are a wonderful stimulant food that not only enhances male potency but also helps to remove inflammation in the prostate gland, if any.
- Honey cocktails - improves male sexual libido. The recipe is simple: you need to mix red wine, a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice in three-one-two proportions, then add a little parsley seeds. The components are mixed, refrigerated for two weeks. Used on an empty stomach at 40 grams.
- Wine cocktails with the addition of dried apricots, prunes are a good folk remedy that accelerates the growth of potency. The components of the product should be mixed, add a teaspoon of sugar (preferably cane). Wine is added in the amount of half a liter, dried fruit - 100 grams. To enhance the effect, men add spices - cinnamon sticks or cardamom. The resulting mixture should be boiled on low heat for about 58 minutes. It is used strictly before sexual intercourse.
Using these recipes will help a man gain sexual strength and significantly improve the foods he eats.